Introductory Letter for the Integrated National Dental Exam Preparation Materials
These videotaped lectures were originally recorded in the early 2000s. I had already made a complete set of videos for preparation for the, then, National Dental Board Exam Part I, including biochemistry, metabolism, anatomy, physiology, histology and other subjects. To help my students manage the “Part II” exam, including all clinical subjects, we recorded our course on those subjects, including oral pathology, periodontics, pedodontics, orthodontics, etc.
Nowadays all of the Part I and Part II subjects are included in the same “Integrated” examination. But – the materials we have produced for the clinical subjects are still extremely valuable for preparation for the integrated exam.
On the website, we will eventually post ALL of our recordings for both the biological health sciences and the dental clinical sciences to benefit the many that are preparing for the Integrated exam.
THIS offering consists of 18 videotaped lectures in a variety of clinical subjects. EACH lecture is presented by an expert in the field. Dr. Dimitris Tatakis is presenting Oral Pathology and Periodontics, and he is widely recognized in the field as a clinician and researcher – recently retired from Ohio State University School of Dentistry.
You may already find on the website the course in Restorative Dentistry that I presented around the same year as a series of PowerPoint slides. This is a VERY comprehensive presentation of all aspects of restorative dentistry and is an excellent source of preparation for the INDBE exam. It is found on our Resources tab under Textbook Volumes and you can write and request the passcode for access to that.
The fundamentals of dentistry have not changed that much in decades, because human biology has not changed. There have certainly been changes in the therapeutic options as more developments are made, but the basic concepts have remained remarkably stable in most health sciences and clinical science areas.
It is hoped that the resources we provide will be of immeasurable help to those preparing for a life of dental practice in the U.S. – or even for those IN dental school in the U.S. or any other country. Please feel free to write and express your interests and needs as you work toward licensure in the U.S. – we are keenly interested in your success!
And those of you who have successfully navigated the INDBE exam, please pass on a link to our materials here to those you know that are not as far along in the licensure process!
Michael Duggan
DDS Loma Linda University School of Dentistry, 1992. Faculty Member 1992 – 2000
PhD Physical Inorganic Chemistry University of Illinois, 1974, Faculty Member University of California, Irvine, 1976 – 1981
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, 2019